S/ 79.90

Inicia el curso al momento de tu inscripción
16 horas académicas
Nivel: Intermedio bajo - Avanzado [Requerido]
Paga 100% Seguro con:

¿Qué aprenderás?

Ver todo temario

1.1 Welcome guests.

1.2 Answer questions about the hotel.

1.3 Handle issues with check-in.

2.1 Answer questions about reservations.

2.2 Respond to emails dealing with reservations.

2.3 Speak about hotel room rates.

3.1 Understand guest requests.

3.2 Respond to specific demands.

3.3 Respond to guest complaints.

4.1 Talk about diferent amenities.

4.2 Describe parts of the hotel.

4.3 Describe rental properties.

5.1 Understand the responsibilities of the housekeeping role.

5.2 Use specific vocabulary related to housekeeping.

5.3 Communicate with team members.

6.1 Understand the functions of hotel teams.

6.2 Understand the hotel vision and mission.

6.3 Talk about property management systems.

7.1 Give directions to specific places outside of the hotel.

7.2 Offer suggestions to guests.

7.3 Give directions within the hotel.

8.1 Understand the checkout process.

8.2 Reconcile issues on the guest's hotel bill.

8.3 Arrange transportation and baggage assistance for the guest.

9.1 Serve guests in a restaurant.

9.2 Answer questions related to food.

9.3 Talk about dinner and lunch specials.

10.1 Serve guests at a bar.

10.2 Answer questions related to drinks.

10.3 Take orders for room service from hotel staff.

11.1 Understand travel itineraries.

11.2 Read and comprehend travel brochures.

11.3 Understand world news related to tours.

12.1 Talk about diferent types of attractions.

12.2 Understand the responsibilities of an attractions manager.

12.3 Understand ticketing information.

13.1 Learn how to negotiate with clients.

13.2 Understand financial information related to event planning.

13.3 Understand diferent types of orders and contracts.

¿Qué dicen
los alumnos?


En este curso, explorará los fundamentos de la industria del turismo y la hostelería, desde las operaciones turísticas hasta la gestión hotelera.


    alondra arana

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